Letter: Refusal to wear mask sends a message

To the editor:

As the pandemic continues to challenge our lives, there are some local businesses that continue to refuse to enforce or comply with the current mask mandate, some even after repeated warnings. While I understand that not everyone agrees with the science of how COVID-19 spreads, and some consider the mandate to be overreaching, I don’t understand the lack of concern for your customers.

There are people who are at high risk who haven’t left their homes in months, and their families worry every time they leave the house for fear they might bring the virus home. Imagine the fear that you might contribute to a family member’s death.

Residents of the nursing home went months without visitors. Families with children have had to rearrange everything and teachers are having to learn new ways of teaching while dealing with their own concerns about the virus. Weddings have been postponed, graduation and prom didn’t happen, long-planned vacations were cancelled. Nonprofits have had to cancel fundraisers, putting their ability to serve the community in jeopardy at a time when their services are needed most. Many people have lost their jobs.

Worst of all, some of our community members have died. That terrible loss will be felt forever by their family and friends. Then, there are those who have contracted the virus for whom recovery will be a difficult process. Perhaps some of these people were your customers.

Your refusal to comply with the mask mandate tells your customers and community that we don’t matter to you. Our fear doesn’t matter to you. The possibility that we might get sick doesn’t matter to you. The sacrifices we’ve all made don’t matter to you.

Does our business matter to you?

During the shut-down, the community pulled together to try and support our local businesses, and the vast majority of those businesses have done their best, under challenging circumstances, to make sure their employees and customers are safe.

Why should we continue to give that support to you when you obviously don’t care about us?

Please, even if you don’t believe in the science or you feel it’s your right to not wear a mask, do it for us. Show us that our business is important to you. Show us that your community is important to you. Mask up.


Erika Imhoof, Nashville

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