Letter: “Brown County citizens’ rights” and septic ordinance

To the editor:

In regards to the health department’s proposed septic ordinance, Brown County citizens have a right to clearly understand exactly how this ordinance differs from Indiana state law. It is understood that Brown County must comply with state law, but it does not have to have a septic ordinance that is more rigid or demanding than state law.

Therefore, the health department should explain why each proposed difference is needed.

For each difference from state law, the health department should explain the potential benefits or hardships it will have on:

1. existing residents of Brown County,

2. prospective residents of Brown County, and on

3. economic development. In other words, will any of the proposed differences make living or providing employment in Brown County more difficult or less desirable than living or locating a business in a surrounding county? If not, explain why.

Next, what added authority and control over our citizens will each identified difference provide to our local health department?

Last, what controls will be implemented to make sure that the health department does not abuse its newly gained authority in Brown County?

Jerry Lee Pittman, Brown County commissioner

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