Letter: Response to letter about GOP post, other issues

To the editor:

At the risk of getting into a lifelong point and counter-point with Sherrie Mitchell, let me address her letter to the editor from the June 30 paper.

First of all, I’m a bit disappointed that Ms. Mitchell couldn’t pick me out of “crowd of two.” That being because we have conversed occasionally concerning public policy when I ran for commissioner and again when she ran unsuccessfully for public office.

Ms. Mitchell, in her zeal to tarnish the Republican Party and all things conservative, forgot to address the critical issue: that being race, religion and tolerance. Instead of focusing on these important issues, she used this opportunity as a platform to voice her displeasure over a construction project. Very sad.

Mark Bowman has black ancestry; Robyn Rosenberg embraces her Hebrew roots. That was the crux of the letter. Sherrie needs to address those issues — not personal axe grinding concerning construction projects leading to possible economic development. God forbid.

Also, amazingly, I did agree with some of Bill Austin’s submission. He invites Brown County voters to analyze candidates’ positions and vote accordingly. I’ve been doing that for 50 years.

Blake Wolpert, Nashville