Today deadline for absentee


Today’s the deadline if you are requesting an absentee ballot.

FINE PRINT Police Stories


WASHINGTON TWP- A 67-year-old man from Freetown, Steve Dinn, has been charged with a Class A Misdemeanor for invasion of privacy violating a protective order.

Early Voting begins!


Early voting opened on April 9 at Eagle Park in Nashville.

Financial Literacy in Small Businesses


April is National Financial Literacy Awareness month, a time dedicated to empowering individuals through financial education.

Mount Liberty Road Bridge Closed, Engineering Issues


The City of Baltimore is still reeling from the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after it was struck by a cargo ship. According to experts, inspections and regular maintenance is key to preventing similar disasters.

Clean up our roads for Earth Day


don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone?

Pam Hochstetler knows Where’s There!


Hey Brown County! It’s me again. Did you miss me?

How many people did we see for the Eclipse?


Young or old, for many the eclipse was a once-in-a-lifetime event. During the moment of totality, demographics, politics and egos fell to the side as people collectively came together as a group in wide-eyed curiosity to stare — and all it took was a rare celestial event that will not happen in Brown County again for approximately 130 years.