Letter: Donations appreciated during holiday season

To the editor:

The Salvation Army of Brown County would like to express our enormous thanks and appreciation to everyone in the community who supported our Toy Shop 2016. It was a great success and many families in our community were greatly blessed.

A special thank-you to Artists Colony Inn, faithful supporters for the past several years; a huge thank-you to all the students, faculty and staff at the intermediate school; and a thank-you to Changing Seasons for all your wonderful donations and support.

We wish to express our deep appreciation to our wonderful local IGA for allowing us to have our Red Kettle and our volunteer bell-ringers in your store throughout the month of December. The donations we receive into our kettles are vital to the social service programs year-round, not just during the holidays, and our local community never disappoints.

So, while we are bit overdue in getting our thank-you published, rest assured, the support and generosity from this community has not been forgotten, nor overlooked. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Pastor Phil and Gail Barrett (submitted by Rebecca V. Smith)

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