PET TAILS: SPOT offering spay-neuter special in February

By the Brown County Humane Society

We all know by now that spaying and neutering your pets is great for the community because it decreases the number of homeless pets.

Did you know, however, that the procedures also have many health benefits for the pets themselves?

Spayed female pets live, on average, 23 to 39 percent longer than those that haven’t been spayed.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in cats and dogs, and spaying ensures your pet cannot develop ovarian cancer. It also decreases their chance of developing mammalian cancer and for developing certain kinds of tumors. Of course, complications arising in litter birth are eliminated as well.

In addition to the added health benefits, spayed pets do not go through a heat cycle. This keeps them from attracting unwanted attention from male pets. No more howling cats or strange dogs in your yard.

Neutering male pets has similar benefits. The risk of testicular cancer is eliminated and your pet’s chance of developing certain tumors and hernias is reduced. Additionally, neutering will decrease the amount of prostate problems your male cat or dog may face as he ages. These issues are very common and occur in up to 80 percent of unneutered dogs.

In male cats, the incidents of territorial spraying usually are eliminated and they won’t be going off in search of a mate. Neutering has the added advantage of lessening aggression and curbing your dog’s or cat’s desire to roam.

Puppies and kittens can be spayed or neutered if they are 8 weeks old and weigh at least 2 pounds. It’s never too late, however. The procedures can be done for pets of any age.

Spaying and neutering can increase your pet’s lifespan and decrease their risk of certain diseases and behavior issues. You’ll not only be doing what’s best for the community and for homeless pets but, most importantly, you’ll be doing what’s best for your pet.

If you have a pet that needs to be spayed or neutered, please reach out to our S.P.O.T. team at 812-703-0797. S.P.O.T. offers low-cost spay/neuter services to all Brown County residents.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”February Fix” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Get your pets spayed or neutered for just $5 in February! Limited to first 50 cats and first 50 dogs. Call S.P.O.T. at 812-703-0797 for an appointment. Brown County residents only.

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”Featured pet” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

This girl wants your attention and she’ll adore you when she gets it. If you like a cat with personality and sass, Wanda is your girl. She’s vocal, active and so much fun. The ultimate extrovert, her wide-eyed enthusiasm makes her the life of the party, whether it’s an all-out dance or an evening at home with friends.
