Letter: Upset about ongoing dispute with neighbors

To the editor:

I have lived in a house in Brown County for 20 years with an easement through my property to three adjoining parcels. I lived there peacefully for 10 years. Then, the neighbors from hell started.

First it was the caretakers cutting and spraying along the easement. They put up a camera and “no trespassing” signs up on my property. Then the caretakers stop up and down the drive every day. Also, construction and heavy equipment are ongoing.

They have antagonized me numerous times. Police have had to respond.

Then they paved the driveway, beautiful Brown County, and lined it with stone to “maintain.” It has made it treacherous for me to get out of my drive without coming within inches of going over a steep ravine.

They buried my water line and cut my phone line and buried it. They put up a huge, ornate gate at the top of the drive, making it difficult to turn around. It should say “Welcome to Hell.”

I know the Golden Rule and second commandment, but they don’t care.

This is my life.

Carol Adamson, Nashville

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