Letter: ‘Just wondering’ about Bean Blossom’s treatment

To the editor:

Just wondering why my part of the county has been totally ignored by our own people we have voted in.

Just wondering why 135 north of Bean Blossom had to be shut down completely — throwing a lot of traffic on our narrow backroads.

Just wondering why you did not hire contractors who knew how to leave one side of the road open.

Just wondering how the businesses in this area and in Nashville feel about it.

Just wondering what will happen if we get an early winter, since 135 North will be closed the rest of the year.

Just wondering who will run against you when the time comes, because that is who I will vote for.

By the way, if you go through the barricade at Bean Blossom, you can drive all the way up 135 North to Fruitdale, go through that barricade at Three Story Hill to Backyard Greenhouse, and then you can go as far up 135 as Old Haggard Road.


Janet Stout, Backyard Greenhouse, taxpayer and voter

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