Letter: Make sure kids know about water safety

To the editor:

Since it is officially summer, it would be nice to see an article/education, anything for people who have kids regarding safety around open water.

There are kids running around by themselves with lifejackets in hand (not on, so I’m sure their parents don’t know they are most likely ditching them when they are out of sight — I was a kid once, too, so I get it). While I am thrilled to see kiddos out fishing and making their way around the lake instead of being inside on electronics, I cannot help but to feel uneasy when I look in my backyard and see unsupervised kids with lifejackets on the ground or not properly fastened. Not to mention we are building a new ramp and dock on our property, and it is nowhere near being safe to stand on, and all of the signs in the world do not keep them off of it.

Surely, some organization in town could take this on and partner with Chocolate Moose or someone for a free kids’ cone, free anything to get kids and parents on the same page.

Before parents let their kids go unsupervised, perhaps they should walk around with them to point out areas that are OK, because some of these docks are one nut dropped by a squirrel ready to fall.

Lacy Miller, Nashville

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