Letter: Raptor center getting software with BCCF grant

To the editor:

This letter comes to thank the Brown County Community Foundation board and grant committee members for the grant of $2,000, which will be added to the grant for $2,000 from Amos Butler Audubon to launch our software operations into the 21st century.

We are most grateful for the BCCF’s time and consideration, and for the outcome of the decision process. We are soon to receive new computers from a private donor, and then will be visited by staff from the Carolina Raptor Center to install the software, which will be customized for our particular center. We are very excited to have this opportunity to expand our services and resources, and will keep the BCCF and the community posted as to progress.

Thanks again for your continued interest in and support of the Indiana Raptor Center, and all of the other worthy nonprofit organizations that give of so many people’s time to make Brown County a better place to live.

Patti Reynolds, president/executive director, Indiana Raptor Center

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