Letter: Study candidates’ stances on services

To the editor:

Hoosiers having to buy insurance plans over the marketplace are facing extreme rate hikes. The two companies selling these plans recently reported to the Indiana Department of Insurance respective rate hikes of 36 percent and 20 percent. Why? The companies say it is because of Republican policies, including changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that were part of the Republicans’ new tax law.

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth has boasted about his support for this legislation even though it is making healthcare more expensive for his constituents. Yet his vote is not a fluke, but rather part of a pattern. In 2017, he voted multiple times to drastically cut Medicare and Medicaid. This June, Rep. Hollingsworth voted to cut $537 billion from Medicare, $1.5 trillion from Medicaid, and a staggering $2.9 trillion from Social Security over the next decade. That’s your money that you’ve been paying for years for your retirement that Rep. Hollingsworth is taking.

If you want to increase people’s access to affordable healthcare and keep your retirement safe, then Rep. Trey Hollingsworth does not represent your values. But Liz Watson would by supporting simple, smart solutions like Medicare for All. This November, please vote Liz Watson for Congress!


William E. Smith III, Bloomington

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