Club news for week of Jan. 15

Tri Kappa

Brown County Zeta Phi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa presented a plaque and check to Brown County Habitat for Humanity in memory of Phyllis Bond on Jan. 2.

Bond passed away on May 4, 2018. She was in the first class of initiates of the Zeta Phi chapter when it began 43 years ago. As an active member since 1975, she served several years as treasurer and six years as president of Brown County Tri Kappa.

In the past few years, Bond also served as office manager for Brown County Habitat for Humanity, another service organization that was important to her.

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The Brown County Chapter of Tri Kappa donated a plaque in Bond’s memory for the Habitat for Humanity building. Tri Kappa chapter president Dawn Snider spoke about the many contributions to the community that Bond made. Treasurer Peg Lindenlaub presented Habitat with a check from member donations.

Mary Cartwright, Carl and Doreen Bochmann, Denny Kubal, Ruth Jarrett, Delbert and Phyllis Crocker — all representatives of Habitat for Humanity — joined family members Jim Bond and Jerry and Faith Floyd in receiving the plaque and donation.

“(Bond) was ‘Miss Dependable,’ a fine woman with a heart for Brown County and its people. She will be missed,” said Rita Simon, a Tri Kappa first class initiate.

Other Tri Kappa chapter members attending included Sally Foddrill, Betsy Hawkins, Jo Ann Kelly, Gay Lawson, Brenda Main, Janet Norman, Joanne Rozzi, Joyce Shook, Marcia Sledd and Clara Stanley.

Pioneer Women

The Pioneer Women’s Club meets each Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the History Center, 90 E. Gould St. Interested women are welcome.

Rotary Club

Keith Weedman, founder and principal of a consultancy that helps strengthen leaders, will present a “Membership Health Check” when the Brown County Rotary Club meets at 7:15 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 17.

The program at Nashville’s Artist Colony Inn is designed to stimulate thought about and strengthen future membership of the club.

Prior to establishing his consultancy, Level 3 by Design, Weedman was director of the Department of Child Services and executive director of Volunteers in Medicine, both in Bartholomew County. He designed and implemented a program to transform Bartholomew County’s welfare system. The program has been applied across Indiana and used as a case study at Harvard University. A student of constructivist thinking, Weedman has a bachelor’s degree in industrial management from Purdue and a master’s degree in psychology from La Sierra University.

Members of the community are welcome at the breakfast meeting at 105 S. Van Buren St.


The Writers, Readers and Poets Society meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on first and third Thursdays each month to read and discuss the literary compositions of those present. The next meetings will be Jan. 17 and Feb. 7 at the Brown County Public Library, 205 N. Locust Lane. All are welcome.

Herb society 

The Brown County Herb Society has changed its meeting time from 6:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Meetings are still the third Monday of each month in lower-level Room B at the Brown County Public Library. The next meeting will be Jan. 21. The public is welcome.

League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of Brown County has a monthly board meeting from 10 a.m. to noon the second Monday of each month. Meetings are conducted in lower-level meeting room A of the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting will be Feb. 11. The public is welcome.

Cemetery society

The Brown County Cemetery Preservation Society, a committee of the Peaceful Valley Heritage group, meets at 4:15 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month in the archives room at the Brown County History Center, 90 E. Gould St. The next meeting will be Feb. 12. The public is welcome.

Preservation group

The Peaceful Valley Heritage Inc. preservation group meets the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Howard F. Hughes Community Building, 209 N. Van Buren St. All are welcome.

Photography club

The Brown County Photography Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month in a lower-level room at the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting will be Feb. 12. Anyone interested in photography is always welcome at meetings.

Members of the club currently have photos for sale at the Daily Grind, 114 S. Van Buren St. Photos will be shown on a rotating basis.

Genealogy group

The Brown County Genealogical Society meets at 1 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting is planned for Feb. 14, when the topic will be Scots-Irish. The public is welcome.