PHOTOS: Brown County High School winter homecoming court

Brown County High School celebrated winter homecoming on Jan. 11 with a 50-45 win over Trinity Lutheran.

At halftime, seniors Ashley Masteller and Evan Fleischman were crowned homecoming king and queen. Sophomore Jesse Addington was crowned prince and Emelia Koester was crowned princess.

This was the first year the girls basketball team played the homecoming game. In years past, the boys basketball game was the main event. The boys junior varsity and varsity teams were on the road that night at Southwestern High School.

This year’s winter homecoming court consisted of sophomores Addington and Koester; seniors Chase Watson, Fleischman, Baelyn Koester, Parker VanNess, Evelyn Crimmins and Masteller; freshmen Wanblee Roux and Kailey Buccos; and juniors Katie Trapp and Javan Oliphant.

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