PET TAILS: Help these long-stay shelter pets find homes

"Moby" has been up for adoption at the local shelter for quite while.

Some of the cats and dogs that come to the Brown County Humane Society are adopted quickly. They are a great fit for most homes and families.

Others take more time. Perhaps they need to be the only, or they are shy, or maybe they have special needs. Their great home is out there, it just takes time to find.

Moby and Cupcake have been at the shelter much longer than usual. Both are wonderful companions who deserve to have homes of their own. We hope you will share their stories so that their great homes can be found.


"Moby" has been up for adoption at the local shelter for quite while.
“Moby” has been up for adoption at the local shelter for quite awhile.

Moby is a goofy, playful friend and companion to those he knows and loves. He enjoys hikes, watching TV, his squeaky duck toy, and cuddles. His favorite activity, though, is splashing in the water. Puddles, creeks or ponds, they’re all fun, especially if digging and sticks are involved.

When he’s tired, Moby likes to lean against you for back scratches and then snuggle up by your side to keep you company. He may just give you some kisses, too.

Moby had some trauma in his life that made him anxious about strangers. He’s come a long way and has made lots of friends at the shelter. Now, he is ready to find a home. He needs someone who will help him be safe in unknown situations. A free consultation with a trainer will be provided to his adopter.

Time at shelter: 1 year, 6 months


"Cupcake" needs a new home.
“Cupcake” needs a new home.

Cupcake likes to live life on her own terms. She is smart, funny, playful, sassy and adorable — and she decides when she wants to be any of those things. When she wants attention, she’ll run to you and flop over on her side, expecting you to pet her pretty head and show her affection, NOW. Then she’s finished, so you need to stop. Please pet her here, but not there. Now she’s off to find a toy. Then she’s back to rub between your legs.

Cupcake was previously adopted, but it was discovered that she really does not like dogs, and other cats still make her uptight. She would do best in a quiet home where she can finally relax and be allowed to be herself, no expectations. That’s when she really shines.

Cupcake was a star of the recent cat training program. She learned to “sit” and give a “high five” and was working on other tricks as well.

If you would like to learn more about Moby or Cupcake, please call the shelter at 812-988-7362 to speak with one of the animal care staff.

— Brown County Humane Society

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”2019 events” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Aug. 8-10: Barn sale

Oct. 20-24: Online auction

Nov. 9: Chocolate Walk
