Poets Corner for week of March 4

Salt Creek Trail

Just a simple little bridge

Over a stream a dozen yards wide

And barely a few feet deep

On a quiet trail little used

In summer, less in winter.

I’ve walked it after a light snow

When the only other tracks

Were the trundling possum

The leaping squirrel, the alert cardinal,

And the sage and watchful raccoon.

Still, it’s a place I’m close to

And I’m so far from being able

To explain what that means

I know better than to try.

I’ve spent a lot of time

Leaning on the railing

Watching the rounded rocks

Seeming to flutter under the wavelets

And the hand-sized fish

So young, shimmering, eager,

So much fish-life to look forward to.

And sounds. I think if you dropped me here

Blindfolded, I’d know the month by sounds:

Leaves in summer wind, or crunching underfoot,

The hushed snow, the living rain.

Just a little bridge, but no—

An axis, a gateway,

A hand held out,

An offer of gentle guidance.

— Andy Hubbard, Brown County