Letter: ‘Thank you from the bottom of my heart’


To the editor:

Growing up in this community I knew it was special. There is a peaceful tranquility that has kept me here my entire life. I always knew the people here were some of the most kind and generous that I’ve ever known. Recently, it was proven just how generous you all truly are.

On Saturday, Aug. 29, the Brown County Sheriff’s Office, my employer, held the Crissie’s Kick to Cancer Drive Through Benefit Dinner, with an online auction the week leading up to the event.

With the help of multiple members of my work family, my own family members, friends, neighbors, out-of-town businesses and especially local businesses, this amazing event was a huge success.

I know there were a lot of people behind the scenes that I may never know. I appreciate every single act of kindness that has come my way. The support I have received from this community has been mind-blowing. There were even tourists that saw the signs and drove through with well wishes and donations. If that isn’t Brown County, I don’t know what is.

I have been thinking since Saturday how I can relay how thankful I am. I still find it difficult to think that a simple thank-you is enough to show my gratitude for everyone’s kindness.

What I do know is that I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you that had a hand in this fundraiser. Being able to pay all my out-of-pocket insurance costs for the year removes a huge amount of financial stress for my family. I could have never done that without all of you.

So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Crissie Oaldon and family

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