PET TAILS: New year’s resolutions for you and your pet

Is adopting a new pet on your list of new year’s resolutions? If so, Sienna is looking for a new home and would make a great workout buddy. Learn more about her and all available pets at Submitted photo

New year’s resolutions: we love them and we hate them.

Yes, resolutions always seem to focus on the things we’d like to change in our lives, but they’re also a great time to reset our thinking and start fresh on a goal.

A lot of people make resolutions for themselves, but here are some resolutions you can make for your pets that will give you all a fresh start for the year.

Play more. We all could use a little more fun in our lives. Just like humans, our pets are suffering from an obesity epidemic. Luckily, studies show that the more fun you have while you exercise, the more likely you are to stick with it. So, play with your pets. Get the whole family involved. Walk, hike, chase balls, run up and down the stairs. Play hide and seek. Even laughter burns off calories.

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Play time with your pets is also great for bonding, and for working off excess energy. Even some behavior issues, which can be the result of not getting enough attention, can be resolved more easily if your pets are just getting more play time.

Pay attention to health. Prevention really is the best medicine. One step is to make sure that your pets are up-to-date on their vaccines. All dogs should be getting regular heartworm preventative and animals that go outside need to have flea/tick prevention. Also, having your pets fixed is not only important for reducing unwanted pets, but also a benefit to their health.

Stay safe. So many lost pets wind up at the shelter every year without any identification to trace their home. Make sure your pets are all microchipped and that the chip information is kept up-to-date. Having a collar and tag for your pet makes it easier for other people to return him to you rather than bringing him to the shelter. If your pet is lost, call the shelter right away to fill out a report.

From everyone at the Brown County Humane Society, we wish you and your pets a happy and joyous new year!

— Brown County Humane Society