Letter: Thanks, BCCF, for your support

To the editor:

Brown County Habitat for Humanity is very grateful to the Brown County Community Foundation for two events.

First, The BCCF has graciously given us a grant to help fund our Brush With Kindness program. This program allows our volunteers to do improvements for qualified homeowners to make their living conditions safer, more sanitary, more accessible and so forth. These additional funds from the BCCF will help us help more Brown Countians.

Second, we are grateful for the BCCF’s recognition of John Werner, our Brush With Kindness chairman, as a Volunteer of the Year. John is a smart and kind man, and so deserving of this honor!

We appreciate the attention and assistance that the BCCF brings to organizations and individuals like John who directly help this county, and we appreciate all of you who make this possible through your donations of time, money, and energy.

Thank you, Brown County Community Foundation!

Emily Stone, president, Brown County Habitat for Humanity (submitted by Marilyn Fagg)

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