BROWN COUNTY FAIR: Final-year 4-H’ers reflect on program lessons

Staff reports

Final-year 4-H members were honored Sunday night during intermission of the fair queen contest. Here’s what they’ll take away from their years in the program.


I have really enjoyed being in 4-H for the past 10 years because it allowed me to be able to explore my interests, to volunteer and to gain leadership experience by being in the 4-H Junior Leaders Club. I participated in a lot of areas, such as shooting sports, fishing, poultry, gift wrapping, scrapbook, crafts, fine art and creative writing, but my favorite project has always been photography. I learned a lot during my time in 4-H, especially about meeting deadlines, and I am sure that it will help me as I make the transition to Ball State University in the fall where I plan to study radiography.

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I am a 10-year member of 4-H. I graduated from high school this year and have started a CNC (computer numerical control) program at Lincoln Tech. I have shown multiple species throughout the years but cattle is my favorite. I have also been a member of the Lick Creek Love Bugs. I appreciate the dedication this club has to us 4-H’ers. I have learned a lot over the last 10 years in the program. I haven’t always won the trophies, but to me, that doesn’t matter. What matters is becoming better than you were the year before. I have enjoyed my years in 4-H and will be back to volunteer. I want to thank all of the educators, volunteers, grandparents and parents that have been here to help me and others become what we are today.


I graduated from Brown County High School in June 2018. I am a 10-year member of 4-H. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and making memories through the years. I’ve learned a lot from completing many projects such as rabbits, dogs, cats, foods, health, child development, photography, wildlife, arts and crafts, and cake decorating. I am attending Ivy Tech to earn my associate degree for radiation therapy. I then plan to attend IUPUI and get a bachelor’s degree in radiation therapy.


I am a Bartholomew County resident who transferred to Brown County every year to show in 4-H in honor of my late granddad, who was a longtime fair board member. It also gave me the opportunity to show in an atmosphere with that small-town country feel, where every 4-H member had to work together to set up and put a show on. It started as fun with showing starter dairy steers. As I grew, I have shown finished dairy beef, starter steers and also swine.

Being in 4-H represents strength, consistency, patience and work ethic. The 4-H program gave me the hands-on approach to working with livestock and learning from showmanship. I have picked out, purchased, raised, figured feed and taken care of my livestock. I now own and raise beef and swine to sell as a source of income as well as work full-time as a farm sprayer operator.


I am a 2018 Brown County High School graduate and 10-year Brown County 4-H member. I’ve participated in many 4-H livestock clubs throughout my tenure including horse and pony, cattle, swine, boer goat, rabbit, sheep and dog. I have a passion to teach the younger 4-H’ers as much as I can before my last year comes to a close; therefore, I organized the first annual Steal the Show showmanship clinic in April of this year and it was a huge success. I plan to continue the clinic on an annual basis. In 2017, I broadened my experiences by participating in the Brown County Fair Queen Pageant, where I was crowned first runner-up. I also serve on the Brown County Fair Board as a youth member.

With this being my last year to participate in 4-H, fair week will be an emotional one, but it is another stepping stone for my future. I am attending Ivy Tech Columbus for two years before transferring to Purdue University to finish my education. I plan to study animal science, agribusiness and I want to become a veterinary technician. I have said many times, “I am who I am because of 4-H.” I plan to stay connected to my local 4-H program by continuing to serve on boards and committees as my college schedule allows.


The 4-H program has taught me and continues to teach other children another level of responsibility school cannot provide, and has greatly improved my time management skills. The program also brought me a handful of lifelong friendships. I’m now on my way to Manchester University to major in primary mathematics education and minor in computer science while playing basketball for the school. In the future, it is my dream to become a teacher and enrich the lives of young people.


During my high school education, I have been involved in many different activities, clubs and teams that have taught me responsibility and the value of education. I was on the varsity soccer team for four years and served as captain my senior year. I have been involved in both student council and history club for one year, and was a member of the prom committee my junior year. I participated in the Youth Leadership Brown County program, gaining leadership skills and several community service opportunities. Over the past four years, I have been heavily involved with my local church, working with the children’s ministry and participating in youth group. I have also been a member of 4-H for eight years.

This program has helped me learn responsibility and gain the knowledge that putting others’ needs before yours is important. The 4-H program is one of the first organizations I joined as a child, and it quickly taught me to always try to better myself and put the community first. It also encouraged me to join other clubs and organizations throughout my academic career. I will always be thankful for the friendships and memories made from being in 4-H. I hope to turn my passion for international policy and politics into a career after receiving a bachelor’s degree from Ball State University. I also strive to continue to travel to different places within the United States, as well as internationally. However, the memories made from being in 4-H will always have a spot near and dear to my heart wherever life may take me.


The 4-H program has taught me so many great things: How to work hard to achieve success and how to grow friendships along the way. This program is something I believe every child should experience and I was so lucky to have grandparents who pushed me and supported me in all projects I tried. I will miss the friendly competition and the memories made at camp, but I am thankful for the 10 years I have been a part of 4-H.