Letter: Appreciation for Habitat volunteers of the year

To the editor:

Ruth Jarrett and Carl Bochmann are recognized this week as Brown County Community Foundation Volunteers of the Year, for their work with this county’s Habitat for Humanity. While neither of them expects or wants such recognition, I am grateful to the BCCF for the opportunity to recognize them. These two have spent countless hours and energy helping Habitat help others. Thank you, Ruth and Carl, for your commitment to this community!

Emily Stone is another volunteer, and I’d like to thank her publicly for her work. She has been on the Habitat board for six years, starting in her 20s, (I’m not going to say her age!) and is proof that youth can manage family, work, daily obligations and helping others. Her attitude, energy and selflessness are inspiring and a fine example to us all. Thank you, Emily!

Brown County has wonderful people who help in so many ways and without any need for recognition. Like Carl, Ruth and Emily, folks help each other and get involved because it is needed and it is a part of life. Thank-yous may be public or private or not at all, but the work still needs to be done and marvelous people keep on helping.

Thanks to these three, and to all the folks who help our community. Together we can do great things!

Marilyn Fagg, Brown County

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