Letter: Dogs: God’s example of how we should serve?

To the editor:

Surely God created puppy dogs to show us the kindness, love and honesty that we humans should strive to emulate. Yet, every day, we read and hear about human greed, hate, dishonesty and just pure meanness in our society. Why?

Scientific telescopes tell us that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old, and our Earth is about 3.5 bil- lion years old. Each of us humans might live for 80, 90 or 100 years, which isn’t even the blink of an eye in the history of either the Earth or the universe.

So, why do so many humans spend their very brief time on Earth living greedy, hateful and dishonest lives?

Maybe our creator is much smarter that we realize. Just maybe, God created puppy-dogs as a daily reminder and guidance on how we should conduct our own lives.

So, thank you to the kind citizens who contribute in a positive manner to our humane society — and do it with love, kindness, honesty and integrity. You are the humans who understand the true reason for our earthly life.

Surely, you make our creator happy, knowing that we have learned a very important lesson about our short lives — by exemplifying the wonderful values that God gave to our best friends, our puppy-dogs. (Amelia got her wings yesterday.)

Evan Werling, Brown County

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