Letter: Talk to your legislators face-to-face this month

To the editor:

The last several months have seen a real upswing in activism and civic engagement across the spectrum of political views. More people are paying more attention to what our elected officials think and do. Some take to the streets or the halls of our legislatures to make their opinions known. Others call and write their representatives at the national and state level to demand action — or inaction, as the case may be.

We at the League of Women Voters are both delighted and relieved to see the level of civic interest growing. People should pay attention, should educate themselves about proposed bills and the facts that support or undermine the validity of those bills, should identify the financial backers of their representatives, should demand transparency, accountability and integrity from all officials.

As we do every year (and in partnership with the Farm Bureau), we have invited our own state senator and state representative to a public meeting with their Brown County constituents. Sen. Eric Koch and State Rep. Chris May have accepted our invitation to be here on Saturday March 11, at 10 a.m. at the County Office Building (Salmon Room).

Please come and show our representatives that we in Brown County are among those who care very much about what they are thinking and doing!

Whether you can come to this Meet Your Legislators meeting March 11, do keep on following the issues you care about. Do call or write your elected representatives. Key contact information:

U.S. Senator Todd Young: 202-224-5623 (Washington, DC), 317-226-6700 (Indianapolis), www.young.senate (email link from there).

U.S. Representative Trey Hollingsworth: 202-225-5315 (Washington, DC), 812-288-3999 (Jeffersonville IN), www.hollingsworth.house.gov (email link from there).

State Senator Eric Koch: 317-232-9400, 317-234-9425 (legislative assistant), [email protected]

State Representative Chris May: 317-232-9600, 317-232-9753 (legislative assistant), [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you March 11 or at another League event.

Julie Winn, president, League of Women Voters of Brown County

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