School board approves personnel changes

The Brown County Schools Board of Trustees approved the following Sept. 7:

  • The Brown County High School graduation/academic recognition plan, which replaces the salutatorian/valedictorian structure with a tiered academic honors system. (See the Aug. 30 issue for a complete story.)
  • A four-mile route extension for bus 23, Wright Transport, $25.20 per day, effective Aug. 9 until the completion of the Yellowwood Road project.
  • An eight-mile route extension for bus 25, Marvin Brock, $42 per day, effective Aug. 9 and ending Dec. 1, weather-permitting.
  • A 5.2-mile route extension for bus 36, Wright Transportation, $35 per day, effective Aug. 9 and ending, Sept. 15, weather-permitting.
  • Separating Helmsburg/Sprunica Elementary School PE teacher Thomas Planalp, effective immediately. This was not a termination.
  • Separating BCHS junior varsity boys basketball coach Matt Noriega, effective immediately. This was not a termination.
  • Separating Brown County Intermediate School media specialist Teresa Carson, effective Sept. 8. This was not a termination.
  • Separating Brown County Schools bus monitor Hannah Patterson, effective immediately. This was not a termination.
  • Separating BCIS sixth-grade and seventh-grade boys basketball coach Ryan Oliver, effective immediately. This was not a termination.
  • Appointing BCHS assistant football coach Jon Sindlinger, $3,324 stipend.
  • Appointing BCHS junior varsity girls basketball coach Sasha Robinson, $3,324 stipend.
  • Appointing BCHS assistant boys basketball coach Bailey Howard, $3,228 stipend.
  • Appointing BCIS fifth-grade special education teacher Kera Hayworth, level B-2, salary and start date to be determined, to sub for Cortney Hitchcock in HES fourth grade.
  • Appointing BCIS instructional team leader Steffanie Davis, split position with Pam Lucas, $1,113 stipends.
  • Appointing BCIS student council sponsor Mary Kurdziel, $930 stipend
  • Appointing HES high ability coach Michelle Joy, $2,226 stipend. She is a replacement for Alyssa Stanley.
  • Transferring HES fourth-grade teacher Brittany Dunkley to SES kindergarten teacher, effective Aug. 28. This is a new position. To replace Dunkley, Julia Riebl was appointed, full-time with benefits, $33,421.44, level B-0, effective Aug. 28.