Winners named in fall decorating competition

Shop owners received cash prizes for helping to decorate downtown Nashville for fall.

The fall decorating contest was hosted by Reynolds Leather & Gifts.

“Although some businesses did not participate, there were several who went all out and made a huge difference in the way our town looked this year,” Reynolds said. “It was hard to pick winners, because there were so many great-looking displays. … I think that makes our entire town a winner.”

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Reynolds said her staff personally witnessed several hundred people taking photos of family and friends at fall displays, so she believes all the decorating efforts were appreciated and wanted by the tourists. She is hoping that decorating will start right after Labor Day next year so there might be more tourists for a longer period.

The first-place winners of $500 cash were Mary and Alan Everroad of Trolley’s. The restaurant was decorated early in the season with a fall theme that evolved into a Halloween theme. Mary said mums had to be replaced several times.

The second-place winner of $300 cash was received by employee Ashley Hopkins for The Nashville House. Landscape designer Cindy Gillim of Heavenly Landscape was on hand for the award presentation. She also designed fall displays in Antique Alley.

The third-place $200 cash prize went to Marc Rudd of Jack & Jill Nut Shoppe. Rudd gave employee Cindy Endris credit for decorating. Although the store was challenged by having less outdoor decorating area, a window display was lit from inside which allowed it to be seen in the evening.

Kelp’s Pumpkin Patch helped deliver cornstalks, hay bales, mums and pumpkins to shops in town, Reynolds said.