OUTDOOR BRIEFS: Free women’s mountain bike rides; winter hikes; dog hike

Free mountain bike rides offered first Tuesdays

Trek Women’s Advocate and professional guide Kate Nolan will lead women’s mountain bike rides for riders of all skill levels from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on first Tuesdays in Brown County State Park. The first ride will be Feb. 5. Meet in the parking lot closest to the north gate.

While the rides are free, park entrance fees may apply.

For more information, visit dnkpresents.com/event/trek-womens-mountain-bike-ride or call 317-296-4440.

Winter hikes planned at state park

A series of winter hikes is planned at Brown County State Park. All hikes will begin at 11 a.m. and will cover between 2 and 4 miles over rugged or sloppy terrain. Leashed, friendly dogs are welcome. All hikes meet at 11 a.m. on Saturdays at the Nature Center.

  • Feb. 9 — Curious quarry: Carpool to trailhead at Horse Trail A; hike about a mile-and-a-half to Trail 17 for half a mile; total about 4 miles with some sloppy, some rugged areas and time to explore quarry area.
  • Feb. 16 and March 30 — Lake That Never Was: Carpool to trailhead at Horse Trail B, descend on rugged trail and cross several creeks to Hidden Valley and to dam site; about 2 miles total lasting about 90 minutes.
  • March 2 — Boulder in tree: Carpool to Horse Trail A, hike a short distance and continue on rugged off-trail trek for majority of hike; total about 2 miles lasting about 90 minutes.
  • March 9 — Ten O’Clock Line Nature Preserve: Carpool to a fire trail, hike about one mile to Horse Trail B, then around nature preserve; total distance about 2 1/2 miles for about two hours.

With questions, visit in.gov/dnr/parklake/2988.htm or Brown County State Park on Facebook, email [email protected], or call 812-988-5240.

Dog hike, scavenger hunt set Feb. 2

From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 2, the Brown County State Park Nature Center will host the third annual winter dog hike.

Bring your leashed dog and sign up between 9 and 11 a.m. to get a map and score card. Explore the woods and collect codes to earn points. First-, second- and third-place prizes will be awarded to the canine/human duo that collects the most points, turning score cards back to the Nature Center by 3 p.m.

Park rules must be followed, including keeping your dog on a 6-foot leash and cleaning up after your pet. Anyone caught not keeping park rules will be disqualified. Winners will be announced by 4 p.m.

For more information, call 812-988-5240 or visit in.gov/dnr/parklake/2988.htm.

Bicycle ‘death march’ to take place in March

NORMAN — The “death march” — a bicycle race for teams of two to cemeteries in and around the Hoosier National Forest — will begin and end Saturday, March 9, at the Midwest Trail Ride Horseman’s Camp, 1264 Hunters Creek Road.

Teams will be required to reach five checkpoints. Teams can use any route and visit them in any order. Bonus time can be earned by visiting additional checkpoints along the way.

Check-in starts at 7:15 a.m., the race starts at 9:30 a.m. and all riders must finish by 6 p.m. Awards are presented at 4 p.m.

For more information, visit dinoseries.com/death-march-schedule or call 317-336-7553.