PET TAILS: Cats suffer from allergies just like us

Long-haired cats might be more prone to hairball problems. Submitted photo

Does your cat snore? Are they sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or have itchy skin, runny eyes, ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea? Do they chew excessively on their paws or tail and have hair loss? Any of these symptoms may be a sign that your cat is suffering from allergies.

Like humans, common allergies in cats might include tree, grass, weed, mold, mildew and dust. Certain foods or fleas might also cause a reaction, along with some medications. But cats can also react to perfumes, including scented candles, cleaning products, cigarette smoke and common household materials. Cleaners, disinfectants, room sprays and sanitizing chemicals should be used carefully around your pet, given that absorption can occur through their paws.

Food is the third most common type of allergies for cats, especially animal protein such as chicken, beef, dairy, fish and eggs. Often a cat will have irritated skin and itching, usually around the head/neck, but vomiting and diarrhea could also be a sign of a food allergy.

Prevention is the best approach, especially for fleas. Check with your veterinarian about the best flea control products and maintain treatments throughout the year. Use dust-free litter and be sure it is unscented as a cat could be allergic to the chemicals in scented litter. Anther simple action you can take is to use a metal, glass or ceramic food/water bowl instead of plastic, and of course, keep them clean.

Depending on what type of allergy your cat has, the treatment can be very different. The ideal treatment is to eliminate the cause of the allergy from your cat’s life. But, this is not always possible.

In the case of food allergies, it can take trial and error to determine which foods may be causing an allergic reaction in your cat, but will be worth it once your feline friend feels better.

For other allergy causes, consulting with your veterinarian for a long-term medication or alternative therapy are the next best treatments.

— Brown County Humane Society

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