PHOTO GALLERY: Brown County High School Winter Homecoming Court

Brown County High School Winter Homecoming Queen Aubrey Hollander receives her crown at the Jan. 10 basketball game as King Rex Watters (left) cheers. Brad Baughman | Submitted

Brown County High School chose its Winter Homecoming court last week, and the royalty were introduced to the home crowd at the Jan. 10 basketball game.

Freshmen: Norah Bare and Cole Bowman

Sophomores: Razzy Floyd and Josh Miller

Juniors: Lauren Akles and Neo Zhang

Seniors: Adrianna Kritzer, Josiah Drew, Emma Summers, Brandon Fleischman, Aubrey Hollander and Rex Watters

Prince and Princess: Josh Miller and Lauren Akles

King and Queen: Rex Watters and Aubrey Hollander

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